Attract Your Life's Desires

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Atypically Yours

I go on duty making sure my blush is just right, my lipstick just pink enough to match my bag, my eyeshadows light and my clothes look fine. No I don't work for a night bar. My duty meant 24 hrs work for doctors. I am a doctor. A real doctor. Doctor for people, grown-ups. I am an internal medicine resident. For how long, that remains to be seen. Life has been too hectic lately that I needed to add color into it, however literally. Make-ups and stethoscopes don't blend, you say. Well, my medical bag shows you they do.

I feel for my patients. When I see the weary look in their eyes, I wish I could tell them the right eye cream to put on. Don't get me wrong. I may not be your conventional doctor but I do take my responsibilities seriously and I derive happiness from getting my patients well again. It's just that I work better when I look good. That's my insecure self speaking again. Well, don't you think patients recover faster when they know the world is still a beautiful place to live in? Health and beauty do come together, in more ways than you can imagine.