Despite earning extra income from online works and side jobs, I still find myself scrimping to make ends meet. What gives?
Personally, most of my expenses go to my favorite hobby- makeup. I justify my spending spree by telling myself it's an investment. The question is when will I reap the fruits of my supposedly well-invested money? Hmm.. tough to answer.
With Christmas just around the corner, I need to save up for the expenses that will surely arise during that season. I decided to list down ideas that might hopefully help me be a wiser shopper:
1. Lay off on the credit cards. With the advent of online shopping, it takes more than the usual discipline to stop oneself from hitting the buy button. Buy now, worry later. If it means making my husband tie up my hands to prevent myself from online shopping spree, then so be it.
2. Hunt for bargains. Flea market, here I come. I would love to go shopping at places like Tutuban or Divisoria but the traffic on those places can go really crazy.
3. Allot a percentage of my salary for savings. At least 10% of my earnings should go straight to my bank account.
4. Do early Christmas shopping. Last minute shopping forces you to buy whatever is there, whatever the price.
5. Have the eye for finding great stuffs at low prices. It is possible to purchase a good product without hurting your wallet. Sometimes, the mark up goes ridiculously high because of promotional expenses and middlemen.
Speaking of eyes, there's, an example of an online shop that sells stylish eyeglasses without the high cost brought about by expensive advertising. Their secret to selling their goods cheap is by offering their manufactured frames direct to the customer. Reviews I have read say that most customers are pleased with their orders from them. It was even mentioned in a book called "Living Rich by Spending Smart."
By frugal living, we can actually enjoy being rich.