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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab Now At A Lower Price of Php21,990

Blogger Tonyo Cruz annouced last night through twitter that Samsung Phillipines has lowered the price of the Galaxy tab (from Php27k plus) to only Php21,990.

When I searched for further info from news authorities or techie blogs, I couldn't find any. I tweeted Tonyo Cruz to confirm the report and he replied that he received the news through an email from Samsung Philippines. Tonyo Cruz is a reliable blogger so I guess it is safe to disemminate this information coming from him. Besides, it 's only logical for Samsung to lower their price after iPad 1 has been lowered (16gb wifi is now only 19k plus). When the Galaxy pad came out, it was initially around Php34,000 so this is a huge difference.

If I had the money, I'd quickly grab one for my hubby's birthday on the 28th. Here's hoping to get a lucrative job or venture soon so I can afford to spoil my husband sometimes.

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