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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tai Sui Protection

They say if one is born under the sign of rabbit, roster, rat, dragon, and snake, should have a protective amulet against Tai Sui, this year 2011- the year of the metal rabbit.

Who is Tai Sui?

The Tai Sui, also known as the Grand Duke Jupiter is located in the East in 2011. Everyone runs the risk of offending the Grand Duke Jupiter by accidentally facing his direction. Offending the Grand Duke Jupiter creates obstacles for success and could bring misfortune leading to financial loss. Appease the Grand Duke by wearing this special amulet, created with the image of the PiYao holding a sword and embed with powerful protection mantras.

For 2011, this is particularly important for those born under the sign of the Rabbit, Rooster,Rat, Dragon and Snake and those who have main entrances facing the East direction.

While I'm still out looking where to buy one online, this picture should protect me somehow:

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