Attract Your Life's Desires

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Enelyx Kids

This caricature was drawn by my artistic niece Caitlin. She creates comic strips with her and her sisters in it. Reading those elicits laughter from me. I didn't realize the magnitude of their imagination.

This is them, animated as their caricature version. Xylene, Caitlin and Chinchin.


misakichan said...


how old is she? and what media does she use? photoshop?

advise her to get a deviantart account. i recently just got mine, although still haven't uploaded my recent drawings yet.

Dr. Vain said...

i'm not sure about the media she uses but she did borrow my photoshop cd. i see her using pencil most of the time, though.

and yes, theyalso have a deviantart gallery at hubby tells me that caitlin reminds him of you. maybe because of anime art and stuff. :)