Attract Your Life's Desires

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Renovating Plain Jane

How does this look to you?

Last week I bumped into a hospital senior flaunting his latest acquisition- a new nose. He (yes it's a he) even showed me the sutures due for removal after a week of the surgery. "Oh, those?I thought they were nose hair." His eyebrows arched upwards after I said that. Why, some people do have nose hair sticking out.

He named several people who underwent the same reconstructive procedure. He told me to check them out coz they all look smashingly better now. The surgeon is an alumnus of our school who trained at St. Luke's hence fellow doctors are grabbing the opportunity for a discount. Get this: the fee is too cheap, a hair rebond would be more expensive! From what I saw, I think the job was well done that I didn't notice something was altered in his face. But of course, it hasn't been a week since he underwent surgery. The swelling hasn't subsided yet.

I toyed around the idea of getting one too. Right after talking to him, I started texting my friends for their opinions. Sharon was worried about my allergic rhinitis. Blowing my nose too hard might bring disastrous results. I was more worried about what people would think if they know I underwent a rather drastic improvement. Will they think less of me? Sharon retorted that from a conservative person's point of view , it might matter. But then again, as my friends agree, it would have to be a personal choice. Whatever makes me happy, I should go for it. Other people's opinions shouldn't matter.

After the excitement died down, I looked at the mirror and thought, I'm quite contented with the way I look now. What bugs me these days are the recurring acnes that challenge my skills in using the concealer.My make up artistry could take care of the nose. Another thing, anything can happen that however good the surgeon is, I might end up a botched beauty. Think Madam Auring or Michael Jackson. Now that's scary. Come to think of it, I don't have intentions of becoming a celebrity, or even working as a model at this age, so why the need of a disarmingly pretty face? As if it would score me points to the heart of Orlando Bloom or bring Rico Yan back to life. Thing with having a pretty face is that guys flock around you just because you look good and they could proudly bring you around town, disregarding the soul beneath the eye-candy. Well, I can't really blame them on that aspect. I prefer eye candies to eye sores too. It's just that you are falsely defined based on your physical attributes. Having a bad hair day just once changes their mind about you in an instant. That's how superficial they are. Perhaps letting them see me without make-ups would leave them running back to their mothers.

I don't know. I'm probably just bored enough to entertain thoughts on "self-renovation". We'll see. If I show up looking dashingly gorgeous one day, then I probably have had something done somewhere. The girl with built-in helmet Ai, told me "actually, you don't need a nose job, what you need is a mammoplasty" Darn, if she were anywhere near me, I would have whacked her head right that moment. She wasn't my groupmate in senior clerkhip, I wonder where she learned the art of poking insults. Hmmm..

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