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Friday, August 01, 2008

Shopping With Humor

One of my favorite hobbies is shopping online. Bad for my credit card's health but there are too many stuff not available within my reach, hence I have to resort to long distance shopping from various countries.

I check out reviews of items on the net before buying them. Some will confuse you as one product may work for some, but may be a nightmare material to others. Looking for reviews may find you lurking in this unusual blog on the overlooked items on shopwiki. Who would've thought there was a "Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul?" After being ridiculed in front of worldwide audience, this should help rebuild the hopefuls' ripped up self esteem and bounce back from Simon Cowell's notorious remarks.

Do you splurge up on cocaine? No, not the abused substance that could pass for an underarm deodorant. It's an unusual brand name of an energy drink selling for $1.99 per can. Controversial? Hell, yeah. The Overlooked blog provides an insightful background to this product.

You will be loaded with information and humor on products that you never knew existed. Their regular "Hunk Friday" feature is worth checking out too. Take this alternative shopping route along the information superhighway and have a good laugh checking out the goods.

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