Attract Your Life's Desires

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pushing My Luck


Why am I posting this visualization check on my blog? To attract abundance, what else? See, when I wrote about my ideal man and the elusive qualities I was looking for in guy a few years back, it came to life in the person of my husband who's just as cute. Like the atenean dream guy, my hubby was also a class validectorian in high school. I found the most wonderful husband in the world who loves me for just being me.

When I posted about wanting a dslr camera the first time, I got a point and shoot canon. Not bad. The second time around, a spanking new Nikon D40 became my latest acquisition in two days after the post. Yeah, I now own a dslr! Yipee!!!!

So I thought about taking the law of attraction a step further by posting this check on my blog. Hmm.. If I publish it for the world to see then maybe the universe will conspire to grant my wishes, just like how I found my husband and the dslr. Thing is, if this becomes a reality, you won't catch me blogging about it. But you can take the hint when I start posting my travel pics in Europe, me strutting in Manolo Blahniks, or running my own franchise of MAC cosmetics.

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