Attract Your Life's Desires

Monday, August 04, 2008

A Very Special Laugh

I finally got to watch John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah Geronimo's flick, " A Very Special Love." The trailer seemed corny but I was glad to give it a chance as I had fun watching the movie.

Every few minute intervals, I couldn't help giggling from the scenes of the prudish Sarah scoring attention from her long time dreamboat, John Lloyd. The "kilig" factor is up, despite that John Lloyd is not with his box- office tested screen partner, Bea Alonzo.

Sarah is one of those pop stars who has great potential in the acting arena. She portrays the role of a giddy admirer of the publishing boss played by John Lloyd in a cute but non overacting way. Just the right blend to get the audience tickled. I can see her doing more light dramas and even comedy roles. She may not be the stereotypical picture of beauty but her charm will get her going places. Her supposedly "love-struck" hair-do didn't flatter her. Apart from that, Sarah brought the house down.

Image Source:

I have always regarded John Lloyd's acting as one of the best in his generation. From "Tabing-Ilog " days, I find his natural style very pleasant to watch. He has an effective way of pinching your heart til it cries along with him. I applaud how he sensitively essayed the role of a son aching for acceptance from his family. As a heartthrob and the grouchy boss who terrorizes his employees, he delivers.

Matet, although playing a support role is noteworthy. After all, she grew up acting from her supertot days. All the actors including Gio Alvarez, Joross Gamboa, Al Tantay, etc fit their roles to a tee. Director Cathy Garcia-Molina should be commended for the job well done.

Rated A by the Cinema Evaluation Board, I, in behalf of the viewers who laughed their guts out and squirmed in "kilig" from their seats, am definitely not surprised why.


misakichan said...

i didn't know you like local movies.

did you watch this with your hubby?

Dr. Vain said...

of course i do! :P i just don't blog about it. this one's exceptional coz it caught my fancy.

yeah, i watched it with my hubby. we've watched John Lloyd flicks together. Now my hubby is starting to look like him. hehe.