Attract Your Life's Desires

Saturday, November 27, 2004

mannequin Posted by Hello

This time it's not Luke. That's the equally drop dead gorgeous Carlo Adorador with Ai and I. He was also part of the sari-sari fashion show. That time I couldn't tell him from Luke Jickain, I thought I was seeing double. Two years later, he became my friend and I got to be his matchmaker. *coughs* (hehe! hi, gail) The rest is history. I was hoping I could catch him in the Bench fashion show special but I didn't. He's one of the most humble models you'll ever meet. Things are looking up for him as well. He nixes offers to join showbiz coz as he puts it:"gagawin lang nila akong boldstar" which is a good thing (uh, the turning down of offers, not the idea of him as a boldstar). His looks are too glamorous for showbiz, anyway.

1 comment:

Dr. Vain said...

Mismo, Gail! :) I guess my being a matchmaker is a manifestation of the romantic softie (albeit outwardly cynic) in me who wants to believe in love by seeing it can happen to the people around her. When things didn't work out between you and Carlo (and the other couples I matched), it seems that I've lost my faith in love. But I still hope you'll find the right one for you soon, that's my birthday wish (on the 7th, right?) for you :)